Gain and retain new customers for your business

As a small business owner


How would it feel to be able to explore more sales opportunities?

What would it mean if you could broaden your customer base?

How would it feel to have a professional driving Sales forward to an agreed plan?


Would this give you more confidence in the future success of your business?


Would it help you decide whether a full-time sales role was required in your business?

Sales consultancy:

Using the 6 step R.A.M.P.U.P. Sales plan ActOnSales will work through the process with you to develop a pragmatic sales plan which suits your needs and is tailored to your product, industry, your available time and your use of online and offline sales tools. Eva can work with you or your team over a period to optimise the sales process.

Contract Sales:

If you are not sure whether you want to recruit a dedicated salesperson in your business Eva can work directly on sales for a defined period to explore the opportunities on a contract basis.


Maybe it’s time to set up a free consultation?