Selling tipsSmall business

You are not alone: Selling Challenges

Selling challenges everyone

In a recent *survey of professional salespeople to determine what they found most challenging about doing their job, the responses were as follows:

  • 40% found Prospecting the most challenging followed by
  • 22% found the Qualifying of the Leads challenging and finally,
  • 36% found Closing the sale the most challenging.

So, when I recently presented to a business network, we ran a poll to identify whether the challenges were the same in Small business with “real” people (i.e., Non sales people!)

They were quite similar actually!

  • 50%: Prospecting
  • 25% Qualifying
  • 26% Closing

There are many challenges when navigating the world of sales, and let’s face it, you’re a lot better at doing other things!!

Prospecting and finding leads are always a big challenge. When you get them you need qualify that they are the right fit, so you don’t potentially waste your time. Finally, you need to have the confidence to ask for the sale.

If you want help navigating your way around some of these challenges, feel free to contact me for a quick chat.

*(Source: 2021 Sales Enablement Report, UK Edition (Hubspot/LinkedIn/Gong/SandlerTraining)